Climate and general interest
- Gerbrand Komen, 2023.
Writing on the science of Parkinson’s for a large readership. Presented at the Junior Dutch Parkinson Society Pre-Conference, Nijmegen, 2 November 2023.
- Gerbrand Komen, 2021.
Klaus Hasselmann als vriend en inspirator. Geschreven naar aanleiding van de 90ste verjaardag van de Nobel-laureaat.
- G.J. Komen, 2019.
Welzijn en welvaart. AUV, Amsterdam,
Studiekring Emeriti.
- G.J. Komen en W. Hoogland, 2018.
Klimaatverandering, migratiestromen, gewelddadige conflicten en politieke instabiliteit. AUV, Amsterdam,
Studiekring Emeriti.
- G.J. Komen, 2016. Facts, values and climate change.
- G.J. Komen, 2016. Blogpost over feiten en waarden.
- NRC/Handelsblad, 2015/2106. Op zoek naar de grenzen van twijfel en zekerheid over het klimaat. Klimaatdialogen (selectie).
- Henk de Bruin, Gerbrand Komen, Pier Siebesma, Bart van den Hurk en Jan Barkmeijer, 2015. Veertig jaar ECMWF. Het relaas van een stille revolutie, Zenit, oktober 2015, p12-14.
- G.J. Komen, 2015. Comments on ‘Why have trust in climate change scenarios?’ Unpublished manuscript. For discussion.
- G.J. Komen, 2014. Over de geldigheid van stralingswetten van Kirchhoff en Planck. Concept-notitie.
- G.J. Komen, 2014. Klimaat: sceptici en alarmisten.
Gastblog op De Dagelijkse Standaard, 19 mei 2014.
- G.J. Komen, 2014. Why have trust in climate change scenarios? Unpublished manuscript. Comments are welcome.
- G.J. Komen, 2013. Hoe zeker is 95 procent zeker? Ingezonden brief aan NRC/Handelsblad. Niet geplaatst omdat 'de voorkeur is uitgegaan naar andere brieven'.
- G.J. Komen, 2013. On detection of climate change.
- G.J. Komen, 2013. Het zou goed zijn als Nederland weigert het rapport van IPCC werkgroep 1 goed te keuren. Een persoonlijk standpunt.
- G.J. Komen, 2012. Open brief aan Arthur Rörsch. Reactie op kritiek van Arthur Rörsch op de wetenschappelijke methode van het moderne klimaatonderzoek.
- G.J. Komen, 2011. Klimaatmodellen, onzekerheid en vertrouwen. Bijdrage aan een weblog van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen over wetenschappelijke modellen. Geplaatst op 25 november 2011.
- G.J. Komen, 2011. Introduction and propositions for the discussion between Fred Singer and KNMI. De Bilt, 31 August 2011. Outcome of the discussion , added on 7 December 2011.
- G.J. Komen, 2011. Kunnen we variaties in het klimaatsysteem begrijpen en voorzien? Lezing gehouden op 20 juni 2011 bij de KNAW.
- G.J. Komen, 2010. Kanttekeningen bij
Marcel Crok's De staat van het klimaat.
- G.J. Komen, 2010. Het kan meevallen en het kan tegenvallen. Verdediging van de stelling 'De media zijn medeplichtig aan karaktermoord op het klimaatonderzoek' in een debat met Salomon Kroonenberg tijdens de 10de NWO Bessensap georganiseerd door de Nederlandse Vereniging van Wetenschapsjournalisten.
- G.J. Komen, 2009. Comments on “Episodes of relative global warming, by de Jager en Duhau”. Unpublished note.
- G.J. Komen, 2009. Klimaatverandering: feiten en onzekerheden. Lezing op 9 maart voor de sectie Energie en Klimaat van de Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging.
- G.J. Komen, 2008. Climate Change - Facts and uncertainties. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences — Geologie en Mijnbouw, 87–3, p 197 - 199. Abstract of an invited lecture presented at the KNGMG Conference 'Climate change – Facts, Uncertainties and Myths', KIT, Amsterdam, 20 November 2008.
- G.J. Komen, 2008. Uncertainties in climate prediction. Guest weblog at Climatescience: Roger Pielke Sr.
- G.J. Komen, 2008. Zorgvuldige communicatie over klimaatverandering. Ingezonden brief. Meteorologica 17/2, 29.
- G.J. Komen, 2008. Onzekerheden in het klimaatdebat. Gastcolumn in NWO Nieuwsbrief Duurzame Aarde.
- G.J. Komen, 2008. Climate Change - A summary of robust findings and key uncertainties. Delft, WRCD symposium, 22 January 2008.
- G.J. Komen. 2007 IPCC: gedegen werk, kan het nog beter? Meteorologica, 16/3, 29-30.
- Bart van den Hurk, Albert Klein Tank, Geert Lenderink, Aad van Ulden, Geert Jan van
Oldenborgh, Caroline Katsman, Henk van den Brink, Franziska Keller, Janette Bessembinder,
Gerrit Burgers, Gerbrand Komen, Wilco Hazeleger and Sybren Drijfhout. 2006. KNMI Climate Change Scenarios 2006 for the Netherlands, KNMI Scientific Report WR 2006-01.
- G.J. Komen. 2006. Communicatie over Klimaatonderzoek. Meteorologica, 15/3, 17-21.
- G.J. Komen, 2004. Reductionism in Meteorology and Climatology. Abstract of a lecture presented at the Dutch Philosophy of Geosciences Symposium, April 16, 2004, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- P. Crutzen, G.J. Komen, K. Verbeek and R. van Dorland, 2004.Veranderingen in het Klimaat, Vragen en Antwoorden. KNMI, De Bilt.
- G.J. Oldenborgh en G.J. Komen, 2001. Hangt het warme weer de laatste tijd in Nederland samen met het versterkte broeikaseffect?, Meteorologica 10/3.
- G.J. Komen. 2001. Lente in de Broeikas (Spring in the Greenhouse) Oratie, 19 januari 2001. Universiteit Utrecht.
- Harry Geurts en Gerbrand Komen (redactie), 1999. Klimaat en klimaatveranderingen. De belangrijkste feiten op een rij. NOP Factsheet nummer 1. November 1999
- G.J. Komen, 1996. Omgaan met klimaatvoorspellingen, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 62, 249-250.
Particle Physics
- G. Denardo and G.J. Komen, 1969. Current algebra, field algebra and Kl3 form factors. Nucl. Phys. B14, 593.
- A.O. Barut and G.J. Komen, 1970. On the realisation of current algebra commutation relations on the space of solutions of finite - and infinite-component wave-equation. Phys. Rev. D1, 418.
- G.J. Komen and S. Pallua, 1970. Equal time commutators of spatial components of axial charges and corresponding sum rules. Nucl. Phys. B20, 493.
- G.J. Komen and S. Pallua, 1970. Rest frame sum rules from quark model and field algebra, Phys. Rev. D2, 989.
- G.J. Komen, 1970. K13 form factors, smoothness and chiral symmetry breaking, Nucl. Phys. B24, 305.
- G.J. Komen, 1972. Current algebra and mass extrapolations, PhD thesis. University of Amsterdam.
- G.J. Komen, 1974. Unitarity and current algebra constraints in a low energy model for K-pi scattering, Il Nuovo Cimento 19A, 265.
- J. Cleymans and G.J. Komen, 1974. Charged spin one partons? Nucl. Phys. B78, 396.
- M.A. Furman and G.J. Komen, 1975. Scaling behaviour of charged spin one partons in a gauge model, Nucl. Phys. B84, 323.
- G.J. Komen, 1975. Renormalizability and the high-energy behaviour of total cross-sections in the Weinberg- Salam model, Phys. Lett. 55B, 389.
- F.A. Berends and G.J. Komen, 1976. Radiative corrections to Bhabha scattering and mu-pair production from the hardronic vacuum-polarization, Phys. Lett. 63B, 432.
- F.A. Berends and G.J. Komen, 1976. Radiative corrections to mu-pair productions and Bhabha scattering in presence of a narrow resonance, Nucl. Phys. B115, 114.
- F.A. Berends and G.J. Komen, 1977. Electron-positron annihilation into two and three photons, Nucl. Phys. B119, 112.
- G.J. Komen, 1977. Charge asymmetry in mu-pair production from electron-positron collisions at 30 GeV, Phys. Lett. 68B, 275.
- K.J.F. Gaemers and G.J. Komen, 1977. Rare decay modes of the tau, Phys. Lett. 70B, 343.
Ocean waves
- The SWAMP Group: J.H. Allender, T.P. Barnett, L. Bertotti, J. Bruinsma, V.J. Cardone, L. Cavaleri, J. Ephraums, B. Golding, A. Greenwood, J. Guddal, H. Günther, K. Hasselmann, S. Hasselmann, P. Joseph, S. Kawai, G.J. Komen, L. Lawson, H. Linne, R.B. Long, M. Lybanon, E. Maeland, W. Rosenthal, Y. Toba, T. Uji and W.J.P. de Voogt, 1985. Ocean Wave Modelling. Principal results and conclusions of a wave model intercomparison study conducted by the Sea Wave Modelling Project (SWAMP). Plenum Press, 256p.
- G.J. Komen and W.A. Oost (eds), 1989. Radar Scattering from Modulated Wind Waves, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 273p.
- G.J. Komen, L. Cavaleri, M. Donelan, K. Hasselmann, S. Hasselmann and P.A.E.M. Janssen, 1994. Dynamics and Modelling of Ocean Waves. Cambridge University Press, 532p.
- G.J. Komen, 1980. Nonlinear contributions to the frequency spectrum of wind-generated water waves. J. Phys. Ocean. 10, 779-790.
- G.J. Komen, 1980. Spatial correlations in wind-generated water waves. J. Geophys. Res. 85, 3311-3314.
- P.A.E.M. Janssen and G.J. Komen, 1982. Modification of the surface elevation probability distribution in ocean swell by nonlinear spectral broadening. J. Geophys. Res. 87, 4155.
- E. Bouws and G.J. Komen, 1983. On the balance between growth and dissipation in an extreme depth-limited wind sea in the southern North Sea. J. Phys. Ocean. 13, 1653.
- W.A. Oost, G.J. Komen, 1983. Spatial resolution of the pressure anemometer. J. Clim. and Appl. Met. 22, 2085- 2094.
- G.J. Komen, S. Hasselmann and K. Hasselmann, 1984. On the existence of a fully developed wind-sea spectrum. J. Phys. Ocean. 14, 1271-1285.
- P.A.E.M. Janssen, G.J. Komen and W.J.P. de Voogt, 1984. GONO, a coupled hybrid wave prediction model, J. Geophys. Res. 89, 3635.
- K. van Gastel, P.A.E.M. Janssen and G.J. Komen, 1984. On the phase velocity and growth rate of wind-induced gravity capillary waves. J. Fluid Mechanics 161, 199-216.
- H. Günther, G.J. Komen and W. Rosenthal, 1984. A semi-operational comparison of wave prediction models. D.Hydr.Z. 37, 89- 106.
- P.A.E.M. Janssen and G.J. Komen, 1985. Effect of atmospheric stability on the growth of surface gravity waves, in Boundary Layer Meteorology 32, 85-96.
- The SWIM group: E. Bouws, J.J. Ephraums, J.A. Ewing, P.E. Francis, H. Günther, P.A.E.M. Janssen, G.J. Komen, W. Rosenthal and W.J.P. de Voogt, 1985. Shallow water intercomparison of wave prediction models (SWIM). Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc. 111, 1087-1112.
- P.A.E.M. Janssen, G.J. Komen and W.J.P. de Voogt, 1987. Friction velocity scaling in wind wave generation. Boundary Layer Meteorology 38, 29-35.
- G.J. Komen, 1987. Recent results with a third-generation ocean-wave model, Johns Hopkins APL Tech. Dig. 8, 37-41.
- G.J. Komen, 1987. Interactions of wind and waves. Nature 328, 480.
- The WAMDI-group. S. Hasselmann, K. Hasselmann, E. Bauer, P.A.E.M. Janssen, G.J. Komen, L. Bertotti, P. Lionello, A. Guillaume, V.C. Cardone, J.A. Greenwood, M. Reistad, L. Zambresky and J.A. Ewing, 1988. The WAM model - a third generation ocean wave prediction model. J. Phys. Ocean. 18, 1775 - 1810.
- Q.D. Gao and G.J. Komen, 1992. The directional response of ocean waves to changing wind directions. J. Phys. Ocean. 23, 1561 - 1566.
- C. Mastenbroek, V. Makin, A. Voorrips and G.J. Komen, 1994. Validation of ERS-1 altimeter wave height measurements and assimilation in a North Sea wave model. The Global Atm. Ocean System, 2, 143 - 161.
- A. Voorrips, V. Makin and G.J. Komen, 1995. The influence of atmospheric stratification on the growth of water waves. Boundary Layer Meteorology 72, 287 - 303.
- E. Bouws, D. Jannink and G.J. Komen, 1996. On the increasing wave height in the North Atlantic Ocean. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 77, 2275-2277.
- G.J. Komen, P.A.E.M. Janssen, V. Makin, and W. Oost, 1998. On the sea state dependence of the Charnock parameter. The Global Atmosphere and Ocean System, 5, 367-388.
- A.C. Voorrips, A.W. Heemink and G.J. Komen, 1999. Wave data assimilation with the Kalman filter. J. of Marine Systems, 18, 267-291.
- G.J. Komen, and N. Smith, 1999. Wave and sea level monitoring and prediction in the service module of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). J. of Marine System, 19, 235-250.
- G.J. Komen, V.N. Kudryavtsev, V.K. Makin, J.F. Meirink and W.A. Oost, 1999. Can one discriminate between different wave generation theories on the basis of wind profile measurements? Proc. Air-Sea Interface Symposium, Sydney, Australia (12-16 January 1999) p199-206.
- V. Swail, G.J. Komen, V. Ryabinin, M. Holt, P.K. Taylor and J. Bidlot, 2001. Wind waves in the Global Ocean Observing System. In: Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century. C.J. Koblinsky and N.R. Smith (eds), Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia. p. 149 - 176.
- H. Bonekamp, G.J. Komen, A. Sterl, P.A.E.M. Janssen, P.K. Taylor and M.J. Yelland, 2002. Statistical comparisons of observed and ECMWF modelled open ocean surface drag. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 32, 1010-1027.
- W.A. Oost, G.J. Komen, C.M.J. Jacobs, C. van Oort and H. Bonekamp, 2001. Indications for a wave dependent Charnock parameter from measurements during ASGAMAGE. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 2795-2797.
- W.A. Oost, G.J. Komen, C.M.J. Jacobs and C. van Oort, 2002. New evidence for a relation between wind stress and wave age from measurements during ASGAMAGE. Bound.-Layer Meteor. 103, 409-438.
- S. Caires, A. Sterl, G.J. Komen and V. Swail, 2004. The web-based KNMI/ERA-40 global wave climatology atlas. WMO Bulletin, 53 (No. 2), 142-146.
Oceanography and Climate
- G.J. Komen and H.W. Riepma, 1981. Residual vorticity induced by the action of tidal currents in combination with bottom topography in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 18, 93-110.
- G.J. Komen and H.W. Riepma, 1981. The generation of residual vorticity by the combined action of wind and bottom topography in a shallow sea. Oceanologica Acta 4, 267-277.
- D. Blaauboer, G.J. Komen and J. Reiff, 1982. The behaviour of the sea-surface temperature (SST) as a response to stochastic latent- and sensible heat forcing. Tellus 34, 17-28.
- J. Beersma, K. Rider, G.J. Komen, E. Kaas and V. Kharin, 1997. An analysis of extra-tropical storms in the North Atlantic region as simulated in a control and 2xCO2 time-slice experiment with a high resolution atmospheric model. Tellus, 49A, 347-361.
- L. Bengtsson and G.J.Komen (eds), 1997. Past Climate Data. Euroclivar workshop report. (Eucliv 7)
- S. Tett, J. Mitchell, K. Hasselmann and G.J. Komen (eds), 1998. Climate change detection and attribution: attribution beyond discernible? Euroclivar workshop report. (Eucliv 10, 137 pages)
- S. Tett, J. Mitchell, K. Hasselmann and G.J. Komen, 1998. Attribution beyond discernible - Workshop aims. Euroclivar/DETR workshop on climate change detection and attribution. Workshop report. Eucliv 10, p29-41.
- D. Andersson, J. Marshall and G.J. Komen (eds), 1998. The Role of the Atlantic in Climate Variability. Euroclivar workshop report (Eucliv 11).
- J. Slingo, P. Delecluse and G.J. Komen (eds), 1998. Climatic Impact of Scale Interaction for the Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere System Euroclivar workshop report (Eucliv 13)
- Anderson, D., L. Bengtsson, P. Delecluse, J.-C. Duplessy, T. Fichefet, S. Joussaume, J. Jouzel, G. Komen, M. Latif, L. Laursen, H. Le Treut, J. Mitchell, A. Navarra, T. Palmer, S. Planton, A. Ruiz de Elvira, F. Schott, J. Slingo, and J. Willebrand, 1998. Climate Variability and Predictability Research in Europe 1999 - 2004. Euroclivar Recommendations .KNMI, De Bilt, xxiv + 120 pp.
- A. Sterl, G.J. Komen and P.D. Cotton, 1998. 15 Years of global wave hindcasts using ERA winds. Validating the reanalysed winds and assessing the wave climate. J. Geophys. Res. 103C, 5477-5492.
- WASA group: J.C. Carretero, M. Gomez, I. Lozano, A. Ruiz de Elvira, O. Serrano, K. Iden, M. Reistad, H. Reichardt, V. Kharin, M. Stolley, H. von Storch, H. Günther, A. Pfizenmayer, W. Rosenthal, M. Stawarz, T. Schmith, E. Kaas, T. Li, H. Alexandersson, J. Beersma, E. Bouws, G.J. Komen, K. Rider, F. Flather, J. Smith, W. Bijl, J. de Ronde, M. Mietus, E. Bauer, H. Schmidt and H. Langeberg, 1998. Changing waves and storms in the Northeast Atlantic? BAMS, 79, 741-760. Also available as GKSS report (GKSS97/E/46).
- H. Bonekamp, A. Sterl and G. Komen, 1998. Interannual variability in the Southern Ocean from an OGCM forced by ECMWF re-analysis fluxes. J. Geophys. Research 104, 13317 - 13331.
- E. Guilyardi, R. Budich, G. Brasseur and G.J. Komen, 2003. PRISM System Specification Handbook, Version 1.0.
- G.P. Brasseur, R.G. Budich and G.J. Komen, 2003. The Program for Integrated Earth System Modelling (PRISM) and the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES). Newsletter of the Climate Variability and Predictability Programme (CLIVAR), 28, 18-19.
- B. van den Hurk, A. Klein Tank, G. Lenderink, A. van Ulden, G.J. van Oldenborgh, C. Katsman, H. van den Brink, F. Keller, J. Bessembinder, G. Burgers, G. Komen, W. Hazeleger and S. Drijfhout, 2007. New climate change scenarios for the Netherlands. Water Science & Technology Vol 56 No 4 pp 27–33 © IWA Publishing 2007 doi:10.2166/wst.2007.533
Various reports and conference contributions
- Berends, F.A., K.J.F. Gaemers and G.J. Komen, 1975. Resonances and interference effects in Bhabba scattering and mu-pair production, Un. Leiden report.
- Berends, F.A. en G.J. Komen, 1975. Opmerkelijke nieuwe verschijnselen in de hoge-energiefysica, FOM-jaarboek, p187-201.
- Groot de, E.H. en G.J. Komen, 1977. Deeltjesfysica in vogelvlucht, Ned. Tijdschrift Natuurkunde A43, 8-12.
- Komen, G.J. en E. Bouws, 1980. Dertig jaar golfonderzoek en het KNMI. Het KNMI en de Zee, 1950-1980, KNMI publicatie nr. 157.
- Bouws, E., B.W. Golding, G.J. Komen, H.H. Peeck and M.J.M. Saraber, 1980. Preliminary results on a comparison of shallow water wave predictions. KNMI Scientific Report 80-5.
- Bruinsma, J., P.A.E.M. Janssen, G.J. Komen, H.H. Peeck, M.J.M. Saraber and W.J.P. de Voogt, 1980. Description of the KNMI operational wave forecast model GONO. KNMI, Scientific Report 80-8.
- Bouws, E., G.J. Komen, R.A. van Moerkerken, H.H. Peeck and M.J.M. Saraber, 1981. A comparison of shallow water wave predictions. KNMI, V-362.
- Bouws, E., G.J. Komen, R.A. van Moerkerken, H.H. Peeck and M.J.M. Saraber, 1981. An evaluation of the KNMI operational wave model GONO for the period October 1980-1981. KNMI TR-11.
- Blaauboer, D., G.J. Komen and J. Reiff, 1982. The variance of sea surface temperature near the Dutch coast, p328-221 in: First international conference on meteorology and air-sea interaction of the coastal zone.
- Bouws, E., G.J. Komen, R.A. van Moerkerken, H.H. Peeck en M.J.M. Saraber, 1982. Evaluatie van de golfberekeningen van GONO over de periode oktober 1981 - april 1982. KNMI TR-22.
- Komen, G.J. and P.A.E.M. Janssen, 1982. Effects of nonlinear spectral broadening on the surface elevation probability distribution in swell, p102-106 in: First international conference on meteorology and air-sea interaction of the coastal zone, AMS, Boston.
- The SWAMP Group: J.H. Allender, T.P. Barnett, L. Bertotti, J. Bruinsma, V.J. Cardone, L. Cavaleri, J. Ephraums, B. Golding, A. Greenwood, J. Guddal, H. Günther, K. Hasselmann, S. Hasselmann, P. Jospeh, S. Kawai, G.J. Komen, L. Lawson, H. Linne, R.B. Long, M. Lybanon, E. Maeland, W. Rosenthal, Y. Toba, T. Uji and W.J.P. de Voogt, 1982. Sea Wave Modelling Project (SWAMP), An inter-comparison study of wind wave predictions model, Part 2: A compilation of results, KNMI Publication 161.
- Chang, C.F., T.C. Koh, G.J. Komen and M. Subramaniam, 1983. A numerical hindcast of surface wave conditions in the South China Sea during a period of intensified monsoon winds, p22-55 in: Proc. XXth IAHR Congress, Moscow.
- Bouws, E., G.J. Komen, R.A. van Moerkerken, H.H. Peeck and M.J.M. Saraber, 1984. Evaluatie van de golfberekeningen met GONO over de periode oktober 1982 - april 1983. KNMI TR 37.
- Janssen, P.A.E.M. en G.J. Komen, 1984. De numerieke voorspelling van zeegang en deining op de Noordzee. NTT de Zee, 13, 154-156.
- Bouws, E., G.J. Komen and G.J.L. Nooren, 1984. Impact of ERS-1 observations on wave forecasting in the North Sea, p113-116 in: Proceedings of a workshop on ERS-1 radar altimeter data products (ESA SP-221).
- Komen, G.J., 1984. WAM gaat geen golf te hoog. Technovisie, december 1984.
- Komen, G.J., J. Bruinsma and W.J.P. de Voogt, 1985. The KNMI Operational Wave Prediction Model GONO, p193-200 in: Ocean Wave Modelling, the SWAMP group eds., Plenum.
- Gastel van, K., P.A.E.M. Janssen and G.J. Komen, 1985. On the growth of gravity-capillary waves by wind. In: Proceedings of the symposium on wave breaking, turbulent mixing and radio probing of the ocean surface. Reidel.
- The SWIM group: E. Bouws, J.J. Ephraums, J.A. Ewing, P.E. Francis, H. Günther, P.A.E.M. Janssen, G.J. Komen, W. Rosenthal, W.J.P. de Voogt, 1985. Shallow water intercomparsion of wave models. Part 1. Three different concepts to model surface waves in finite water depth, p201-206 in: Proceedings of the symposium on wave breaking, turbulent mixing and radio probing of the ocean surface. Toba and Mitsuyasu eds. Reidel.
- The SWIM group: E. Bouws, J.J. Ephraums, J.A. Ewing, P.E. Francis, H. Günther, P.A.E.M. Janssen, G.J. Komen, W. Rosenthal, W.J.P. de Voogt, 1985. Shallow water intercomparison of wave models. Part 2. Results of three different wave models for idealized wind and depth situations, p207-214 in: Proceedings of the symposium on wave breaking, turbulent mixing and radio probing of the ocean surface. Toba and Mitsuyasy eds. Reidel.
- The SWIM group: E. Bouws, J.J. Ephraums, J.A. Ewing, P.E. Francis, H. Günther, P.A.E.M. Janssen, G.J. Komen, W. Rosenthal, W.J.P. de Voogt, 1985. Shallow water intercomparison of wave models. Part 3. A hindcast storm in the North Sea, p215-220 in: Proceedings of the symposium on wave breaking, turbulent mixing and radio probing of the ocean surface. Toba and Mitsuyasu eds. Reidel.
- Komen, G.J., S. Hasselmann and K. Hasselmann, 1985. The fully developed wind-sea spectrum as a solution of the energy balance equation, p125-128 in: Proceedings of the symposium on wave breaking, turbulent mixing and radio probing of the ocean surface. Toba and Mitsuyasu eds. Reidel.
- Janssen, P.A.E.M. and G.J. Komen, 1985. Atmospheric stability effects on the growth of surface gravity waves, p99-104 in Proceedings of the symposium on wave breaking, turbulent mixing and radio probing of the ocean surface. Toba and Mitsuyasu eds. Reidel.
- Komen, G.J., 1985. Introduction to wave models and assimilation of satellite data in wave models, p21-25 in: Proc. Conf. on the use of satellite data in climate models. Alpbach, 10-12 June, 1985 (ESA SP-244).
- Bouws, E., G.J. Komen, R.A. van Moerkerken, H.H. Peeck and M.J.M. Saraber, 1986. An evaluation of operational wave forecasts on shallow water, p639-660 in: Proceedings IUCRM Symposium on Wave Dynamics and Radio Probing of the Ocean Surface. Phillips and Hasselmann, eds. Plenum.
- Komen, G.J., 1986. Activities of the WAM (Wave Modelling) Group, p121-127 in: Advances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and offshore Engineering Vol. 6, Oceanology. Graham and Trotman Ltd.
- Komen, G.J., 1986. Wave models in Report on the workshop on Assimilation of Wind and Wave Data in Numerical Weather and Wave Prediction Models, p26-28. ICSU-WMO-IOC-SCOR publication (WMO/TD 148-WCP-122).
- Komen, G.J. and P.A.E.M. Janssen, 1986. The numerical simulation of ocean wave evolution on a CRAY-X-MP/48 in Supercomputer 14/15, 73-84.
- Komen, G.J., 1986. Wave models, p26-28 in: Report on the workshop on assimilation of wind and wave data in numerical weather and wave prediction models. ICSU-WMO-IOC-SCOR publication WMO/TD 148-WCP-122.
- Komen, G.J., 1987. Energy and momentum fluxes through the sea surface. p207 - 218 in: Dynamics of the oceanic surface mixed layer. P. Muller and D Henderson, eds. Proceedings of the 'Aha Huliko'a Workshop, Honolulu, January 14-16, 1987. Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Special Publ., 310p.
- Komen, G.J. and L. Zambresky, 1987. A third generation ocean wave model, p207-216 in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, Halifax. Environmental Studies Revolving Fund, Rep. Ser. 65, Ottawa.
- Komen, G.J., 1988. Medium-Range Forecast of Weather Conditions Including Wave Conditions, p177-198 in: Proc. Int. Seminar on Ship Weather Routing, Tokyo, 1988.
- Komen, G.J., 1989. The energy balance in short gravity waves, p75-79 in: Radar Scattering from Modulated Wind Waves, Komen and Oost (eds).
- G.J. Komen. 1990. Evolution of ideas and present situation in wave analysis and forecasting, p1-48 in: Proceedings of the Commission for Marine Meteorology technical conference on ocean waves. Geneva, 1990. (Marine meteorology and related oceanographic activities report; 24).
- G.J. Komen, 1991. Ocean Waves and Climate. Paper presented at thetorino International Conference on Oceans, Climate, Man. Torino, 15-17 April 1991.
- G.J. Komen, 1991. Modelling wind driven surface waves. In: Strategies for future climatic research, A collection of papers presented at the birthday colloquium in honor of Klaus Hasselmann's 60th anniversary. Hamburg, 1991, Mojib Latif, editor.
- W. Oost, and G.J. Komen, 1993. Air and sea, a close relationship, p99-112 in: Proceedings Conf. Science et Defense, Dunod.
- G.J. Komen, W. Fransen and A. Kattenberg, 1993. Response of the climate system to changing Greenhouse gas concentrations. Workshop on Policy Option addressing the Greenhouse problem, Natural Sciences, KNMI report OO-93-12.
- G.J. Komen, 1994. An expert-opinion approach to the prediction problem in complex systems, p432-438 in: Predictability and Nonlinear Modelling in Natural Sciences and Economics. J. Grasman and G. Van Straten, eds. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
- L. Otto, H.A. Dijkstra, W.P.M. de Ruijter, C.B. Vreugdenhil, R.J. Haarsma, A. Kattenberg, G.J. Komen, W.A. Oost, A. Sterl, H.J.W. de Baar, W. Helder, P. Westbroek, 1995. Assessment report on NRP subtheme "Oceans and the climate system. Studies in Environmental Science 65, 283-322.
- G.J. Komen, H.J. Vested, K. Hasselmann, K.B. Katsaros, E.V.L. Kuijper and R. Weisse, 1995. A European Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Model. Proceedings of Second MAST Days and EUROMAR Market, 7-10 November 1995, Sorrento, Italy.
- G.J. Komen, 1996. Numerical model complementary to monitoring systems: ocean wave forecasting and beyond. In: The Ocean and the Poles - Grand Challenges for European Cooperation (Prof.dr. G. Hempel, ed.). Gustav Fischer Verlag, 75-79.
- G.J. Komen, A.C. Voorrips and H. Hersbach, 1996. Assimilation of satellite measurements in a sea state forecasting model. Proceeding Operational Oceanography and Satellite Observations, Biarritz, Frankrijk, October 16-20, 1995, 93-105.
- A.C. Voorrips, V.K. Makin and G.J. Komen, 1996. The influence of stratification of the atmospheric boundary layer on wave growth. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on The Air Sea Interface, Radio and Acoustic Sensing, Turbulence and Wave Dynamics. (M.A. Donelan, W.H. Hui and W.J. Plant, eds.). June 24-30, 1993, Marseille, 21-26.
- WASA group (Alexandersson, H., E. Bouws, J.C. Carretero, J. Guddal, I. Lozano Gonzalez, H. Günther, D. Jannink, V.V. Kharin, G. Komen, H. Reichardt, W. Rosenthal, A. Ruiz de Elvira, T. Schmith, M. Stawarz and H. von Storch, 1995. The WASA project: Changing storm and wave climate in the northeast Atlantic and adjacent seas? Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on wave hindcasting and forecasting, October 16-20, 1995, Banff, 31-45.
- H. Bonekamp, A. Sterl, H. Wallbrink and G.J. Komen, 1997. Significant wave height differences from ERA winds. Proceedings of the "First International Conference on Reanalyses", Silver Spring, MD, 27-31 October 1997.
- H. Bonekamp, A. Sterl and G.J. Komen, 1997. Interannual variability in the southern ocean associated with the antarctic circumpolar wave. Proceedings of the "First International Conference on Reanalyses", Silver Spring, MD, 27-31 October 1997.
- I. Lozano Gonzalez and G.J. Komen et al, 1997. Sea-Level-Rise Research in Europe "state of the art and future research needs", Maritime Engineering Laboratory/Catalonia, University of Technology (LIM/UPC), Mataro, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 April 1997. Poster WASA.
- G.J. Komen, V. Makin, K. Mastenbroek, W.A. Oost and P.A.E.M. Janssen, 1997. The roughness of the sea. In: Proceedings XXI General Assembly, IAPSO, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 1995, 19, 379.
- G.J. Komen, and N. Smith, 1997. Wave and sea level monitoring and prediction. Paper written on the request of the Joint GOOS Scientific and Technical Committee (J-GOOS). KNMI memo OO-97-02.
- G.J. Komen, A.C. Voorrips and H. Hersbach, 1997. Assimilation of satellite measurements in a sea state forecasting model. In: Proceedings Operational Oceanography and Satellite Observations, Biarritz, France, October 1995, 93-104.
- A.C. Voorrips, H. Hersbach, F.B. Koek, G.J. Komen, V.K. Makin and J.R.N. Onvlee, 1997. Wave prediction and data assimilation for the North Sea. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference of EuroGOOS 7-11 October, The Hague, The Netherlands. J.H. Stel, H.W.A. Behrens, J.C. Borst, L.J. Droppert and J. v.d. Meulen (eds), 1996. Operational Oceanography. The Challenge for European Co-operation, 463-471.
- A.C. Voorrips, A.W. Heemink and G.J. Komen, 1998. A Kalman filter for wave data assimilation in WAM. In: Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis: Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Waves 97, 3-9 November 1997, Virginia Beach, USA., B.L. Edge and J.M. Hemsley (eds), 1, 668-682.
- G.J. Komen, 1998. The physics of ocean waves. Proceedings of 1997 ECMWF Seminar on Atmosphere-Surface Interaction. p67-84.
- G.J. Komen, 1998. Forecasting wind-driven ocean waves. Ocean forecasting, conceptual basis and applications/ed. Nadia Pinardi. Also available as KNMI Preprint 97-27.
- W.P.M. de Ruijter, and G.J. Komen, 1998. Oceaan en Klimaat. Natuur en Techniek, 6, 20-29.
- H. Bonekamp, A. Sterl, G.J. Komen, G. Burgers, G.J. van Oldenborgh and P.A.E.M. Janssen, 2001. An assessment of the ECMWF reanalysis (ERA) air/sea fluxes using Wave and Ocean General Circulation Models. Final Report of NOP project 951207: "The Upper Ocean in Complex Realistic Climate Models." NOP No. 410 200 063.
- IGBP/WCRP Committee (including G.J. Komen), 2001. Global change research in The Netherlands. Dutch research within the framework of the IGBP and the WCRP. Final Editing: A. de Gier, L. Groen, KNAW.
- G.J. Komen, 2002. Forecasting wind-driven ocean waves. Ocean Forecasting, Conceptual Basis and Applications. Nadia Pinardi and John Wood, (eds). Springer, p. 267-280.
- C. Ryan, P. Liss, P. Boyd, E. Cortijo, K. Denman, B. Huebert, T. Jickells, T. Johannessen, G. Komen, D. Kumar, P. Matrai, W. Miller, U. Platt, K. Richardson, P. Schlosser, M. Uematsu, I. Wainer, D. Wallace, 2004. SOLAS Science Plan and Implementation Strategy, published by IGBP Secretariat.
- G.J. Komen and B. Metz, 2004. Wiens dogma ontrafelen de klimaatsceptici?
Recensie naar aanleiding van het boek 'Man-made global warming; Unravelling a dogma van Hans Labohm, Simon Rozendaal en Dick Thoenes'. Internationale Spectator, 58, 221-223.
- B. Metz en G.J. Komen, 2004. Zuiverheid gewenst, repliek. Internationale Spectator, 58, 392-393.
- G.J. Komen, 2004. The Wave Modeling Group, a historical perspective. Lecture given on 6 december 2004 at the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC) in Melbourne.
- S. Caires, A. Sterl, G.J. Komen and V. Swail, 2004. Wave climate and its change - The KNMI/ERA-40 wave atlas. Clivar Exchanges, 9 (No. 2), 27-29.
- G.J. Komen en R. van Dorland, 2005. Klimaatveranderingen en klimaatvoorspellingen. Geografie, 14/6, 42-45.
- G.J. Komen en R. van Dorland, 2006. Klimaatveranderingen en klimaatvoorspellingen. Topos, 16/2, 10-13.
- A.M.G. Klein Tank, J.J.F. Bessembinder, B.J.J.M. van den Hurk, G. Lenderink, A.P. van Ulden, G.J. van Oldenborgh, C.A. Katsman, H.W. van den Brink, F. Keller, G. Burgers, G.J. Komen, W. Hazeleger en S.S. Drijfhout, 2006. Climate in the 21st century; four scenarios for the Netherlands. KNMI brochure, 30/5/2006.
- B.J.J.M. van den Hurk en G. Komen, 2007. Droge zomers in zicht. Geografie, 1-16, 9-12.
- G.J. Komen, P. Janssen and L. Cavaleri, 2011. The Wave Modelling (WAM) Group. A historical perspective. Lecture presented in Hamburg on the occasion of Klaus Hasselmann's 80th anniversary.